Friday 22 August 2008

Our nutrition

What we do nutritionally is follow the ways described by Weston A. Price, Sally Fallon & Mary Enig.
Here is a little overview of how we implement it.

1. We only use whole foods with as little processing as possible. If they are processed, I usually do it myself. I'm a busy home schooling mom with 4 children, so I try to keep it as simple as possible. For now we don't grind our own flour, this will happen in the future, because I do want a flour grinder. For now we will have somewhat stale flour unfortunately.

2. I try to get most of our shopping delivered so I can fully think about what we need for the coming 2 weeks. I let Tesco come buy 1x every 2 weeks. I go to the farm 1x every 2 weeks as well.

3. My goal is 50% of our food raw, so far I haven't fully fixed it yet, but its an ongoing process.

4. I am working towards including a cultured food each day (sometimes every meal). These include sauerkraut, yoghurt, cheese, etc.

5. I make nutrient dense meals. Empty calories will make you gain weight and undermine your health. So we try to keep them out as much as possible. This means that we even fry our own french fries from organic potatoes.

6. We do not use multivitamins as they undermine your the health body usually, as they tend to be synthetic vitamins. When they are natural, you can use them. I haven't felt the need to use them during my last pregnancy, I felt perfectly healthy. We do use cod-liver oil regularly, especially in the winter.
I do use local raw honey, 1 teaspoon daily, against hayfever, it works like a charm. This year I have been feeling so much better.

7. Most of our food is organic. But I have to stay within budget, so sometimes I have to make concessions.

8. I buy milk, cream, eggs & local raw honey at Meadow Cottage, Churt Road, Churt, Headly. They have pedigree Jersey cows. Their milk is wonderful.

9. We use healthy fats. Butter, cream, coconut oil, flax oil and olive oil. We work on using less carbs than the standard diet has, as we have found this to be less healthy.

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