Monday 11 February 2008

Today's crap

Today we first went to the doctors office to see if we could get our daughter registered for an NHS number, no we couldn't. We needed a birth certificate first.
Okay, then we go to the registrar's office. When we got there we managed to end up surprising her, as we had a freebirth. Therefore no hospital records, and without they have no clue what to do and cannot just register.
One thing led to another and in the end I ended up getting a phone call from the hospital that they will have to report us to Social Services. I still don't understand why, baby is healthy, I am healthy, no problems with anything at all, so what is the big deal.
As I am completely ticked off by this I will take counter action where appropriate, as this is total rubbish. Social Services no doubt has better things to do than following up on this.

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