Saturday, 7 March 2009

Quote by Dr. Mendelsohn

Because routine immunizations that bring parents back for repeated office calls are the bread and butter of their specialty, pediatricians continue to defend them to the death. The question parents should be asking is: ‘Whose death?’” -----Robert Mendelsohn, MD


Anonymous said...


I found your blog from the UC forum. I've read the whole thing and really appreciate a lot of the things that you have written. We share a lot of the same viewpoints. I have long appreciated many of the things that you've written on the UC forum regarding your ways of parenting, how things are in your home, etc. Very refreshing and enlightening to me. Occasionally I have showed these things to my husband and he appreciates them as well. Thank you for writing. :)

Nothing to see here said...

Thank you for your nice comment :-)