Saturday, 19 July 2008

Twisted thinking in a modern world

Recently I had a enlightening moment of totally not understand what is going on in this world and the wish to live in another.
A few things that sprung to mind.
* the thought that its dangerous to have a baby at home. WHY? Statistically it is safer to have a baby at home than in the hospital. There are less possibilities to just get induced or get an unnecessean. We have done it for 13 million years, why change a thing that has obviously worked for that? There is no need to repair what isn't broken, women's bodies are designed to give birth - twisted, very twisted.
* to even consider bottle feeding. WHY? Women have breasts to feed. Its not healthy for a baby to be bottle fed. The baby expects naturally to be breast fed instead of having some silicon thing put in its mouth. The intestines of a baby is not fully ripe, human milk will take care of that.
* to consider spanking a child. WHY? Who came up with that stupid thought?
* to circumcise a baby boy or girl for that matter. WHY? Which perverted idiot started that crap?
* school? WHY? The one coming up with that must have had some twisted mind. Were people total idiots before someone came up with the idea of school. No, children learned and were able to make a living as well. Children will learn, I see it first hand. I also see first hand the problems the school system is causing, in terms of peer pressure etc.
* poly unsatured fats. WHY? They haven't been in our diet until recently and we definitely don't need those, they clog up your arteries, so why use it? Its not for nothing that heart disease, cancer and all kinds of other diseases are so on the rise. That has to have something to do with our present diet. Therefore my guess is, if we go back to a traditional diet we would all be much healthier. For 13 million years we have eaten a traditional diet with saturated fats, raw milk, meat whenever available, we are still here, if it would be so bad for us we wouldn't have made it here. In the hunter gatherer times there wasn't as much cancer and heart disease and people were cooking over fires and using saturated fats, they weren't using poly unsatured, that needs quite some work to get that out, so not natural, they weren't using tons of additives, they weren't using soya, they weren't using added synthetic vitamins, do I really need to go on? Its just a matter of common sense I would say.
* vaccines. WHY? The diseases vaccinated for are either easily preventable - HPV! - or had made a huge decline in happening way before the vaccines came on the market or were even almost extinct. Why was that, mainly better hygiene and another big part was that there was less malnutrition because people got better access to food.
In traditional cultures that have good food you can see that those people are healthy.
* additives to food. WHY? Why put chemicals in there, like MSG, colours, flavours, preservatives etc. when natural food is healthier?
* soya. WHY? This has not been a food in Asia like it is here. People mainly used it in times of famin. It was mainly used as a crop to grow and then dig under coz it made more nutrients in the soil more easily available to plants grown on there right after. In Asia people use less soya per day than the average person does here. So why use it so much here, when it hasn't even been grown here until recently. It isn't very healthy either in the way its prepared in the west, in Asia they use much different methods to prepare soya. Most processes taking several months, instead of several minutes in the factory.
* wreck the environment. WHY? Don't you want your children to inherit something that they can actually live in?
* antibiotics. WHY? Its in the meantime clear that its not the ultimate solution and sometimes makes things worse - MRSA and buddies.....
* cholesterol lowering meds. WHY? There is absolutely no conclusive proof that cholesterol is the problem, based on the studies its more likely that high cholesterol is a sign something is wrong, like arteries that need to be repaired, which the body can do itself, hence the high cholesterol. Its very unlikely that the present road taken is working.

Of course I could go on there are more things that bug me. I do not understand why the majority of people in this world seem to go for all kinds of unnatural, artificial and just outright stupid things when there is no need for that, as we have proven in the 13 million years we are in this world. Its mind boggling to me. I wonder where people's common sense went.

It can be really frustrating to live in this world with lack of common sense. Sometimes I wish I could live in another.

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